Celebrating 75 Glorious Years of Indian Independence

Online Participation from 1st - 17th August 2022
- Picture / Video of the National Flag should come within the full frame as much as possible.
- Submission should signify Patriotism, Peace, and Harmony of the Nation, and not hurt the sentiments of any individual, community, sect, or religion. If the submission is found to be inappropriate, HMI reserves the right to cancel the submission without any notice.
- The maximum number of photos is 2 in One Submission. Allowed File Type only jpg or jpeg not more than 1MB each.
- Provide YouTube Link for Video.
- After the campaign is over, the details you have entered may be published publicly for which you must abide by the decision of the Institute.
- An auto-generated E-Certificate of your participation will be sent to your email after the submission, so please provide a valid email address.
Details of Participants
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25th April 2021
At Mt. Rhenock in the Sikkim Himalayas.

15th August 2021
At Victorial Memorial, Kolkata.

31st October 2021
At The Statue of Unity, Gujarat.

27th November 2021
At Union Glacier (Antarctica).