May (YOU) Climb from Peak to Peak | सानो: सानुमारूहत्

हिमालयन पर्वतारोहण संस्थान


Darjeeling, West Bengal, INDIA.

Special Course

"The best investment you can make is in Yourself"

HMI also conducts special courses on sport climbing, rock climbing, adventure and mountaineering courses on demand. The duration of these courses can vary as per the requirements of the trainees. These courses are generally conducted for a minimum group of 20 persons from institutions, corporate houses, and defence or paramilitary forces. The fee is charged on the actual cost basis. Sport climbing courses are very popular amongst young school children from 4th to 9th Standard who come on weekends during vocations to do such courses. These courses develop an all-round personality in young children.

Day by Day Schedule

Soon to be updated